Christians are the Worst (Sometimes)
"By this , all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love for one another ." John 13:35 What was the Apostle John talking about here? If you read the entire passage, page, chapter, it is shockingly easy to understand. John was talking about how important it is for Christians to love everyone. He states that "all people" will know you are a Christian by how well you do this, how well you love others. "All people" is essential phrasing, referring to literally everyone, Christians, Jews, and non-believers. We can easily apply that today to people of all races, religions, atheists, and people of varying cultures and sub-cultures. It means people who dress differently than you, members of the LBGQT community, and yes, even Yankees fans (joking, but not really). Finally, what about that word love ? I mean, I love tacos but not like I love my wife. I love Andy's Frozen Custard, but not like I love my kids. So, how can ...